GR France. Long Hiking Trails. Long Distance Footpaths


Cher Valley

From Tours (Indre-et-Loire) to Solignat (Puy-de-Dome)

Chemins de Grandes Randonnees

Situated in the heart of cities steeped in medieval and Renaissance history, the Cher Valley provides a captivating journey through time. The GR®41 trail, tracing the course of the Cher River, unveils a wealth of diverse heritage, dotted with intriguing sites and discoveries that enrich the tourist route. The Cher Valley is also celebrated for its verdant vineyards. The viticultural slopes display a spectrum of colors that transition from green to ocher with the changing seasons. The vast expanse of the vineyard, the organic arrangement of the plots, and the seasonal color variations of the vines are all aspects that leave visitors in awe. Beyond its natural allure, the Cher Valley boasts a plethora of remarkable tourist attractions. From troglodyte dwellings and subterranean cellars to grand castles, each visit unfolds as a new adventure. Notable attractions include the Beauval Zoo, the Montrichard Fortress, and the Gué-Péan Castle, each narrating its own unique story and offering an invitation to explore. The Cher Valley is a must-visit destination for those who appreciate history, nature, and wine.

GR®41 Cher Valley

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GR41 Hiking along Cher Valley 1


GR41 Hiking along Cher Valley 2


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GR41 Hiking along Cher Valley 9
© GPX Private use only

Distance: 545km, Elevation maximum: 756m, Elevation minimum: 45m, Elevation gain uphill: 4506m





Accommodation GR GRP


Accommodation or business owner on or near a GR®, you can appear on GR-INFOS

For your registration, you can send me by email ( your address and phone number, your website (Facebook page), a brief description with 5 beautiful photos of your establishment.

Registration price : 25€/year or 100€/5 years per GR® or GRP®. Renewable.


GR41 Hiking along Cher Valley 10

GR®41 Cher Valley
From Tours (Indre-et-Loire) to Selles-sur-Cher (Loir-et-Cher)
From Selles-sur-Cher (Loir-et-Cher) to Villeneuve-sur-Cher (Cher)
From Villeneuve-sur-Cher (Cher) to Reugny (Allier)
From Reugny (Allier) to Solignat (Puy-de-Dome)

Nearby paths:
On the Master Ringers Footsteps (Indre-Cher-Allier)
Around Pays de Valençay (Indre, Loir-et-Cher)
GR®3 Loire River trail
GR®4 From Atlantic to Mediterranean
GR®46 From Tours (Indre-et-Loire) to Toulouse (Haute-Garonne)
GR®89 Montaigne trail
GR®303 From Neris-les-Bains to Montcombroux-les-Mines (Allier)
GR®413 From Huisseau-sur-Cosson to Villefranche-sur-Cher (Loir-et-Cher)
GR®463 From Evaux-les-Bains (Creuse) to Le Sapey (Allier)
GR®654 Via Lemovicensis
GR®655 Via Turonensis


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GR®, PR®, GRP®, and the corresponding signs of markings (white / red, yellow and yellow / red) are trademarks of the French Federation of Hiking. They may not be reproduced without permission. The French Federation of Hiking, state-approved, includes organizations that create and maintain hiking routes on GR®, PR® and GRP®. It publishes guides these topo hiking routes.

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L'Etoile Guest-House

Old romantic Hotel, L'Etoile Guest-House is a mountain retreat in the South of France. With a beautiful park along the Allier River, L'Etoile Guesthouse is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche and Cevennes. Many hiking trails like GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson trail, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane way, Cevenol, GR®470 Allier river, Margeride, Ardechoise. Many hiking loops. The right place to relax.

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