GR France. Long Hiking Trails. Long Distance Footpaths

GR®21 Cliff trail

From Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime)

Chemins de Grandes Randonnees

The GR®21 Sentier des Falaises traverses through Seine-Maritime, tracing the majestic Côte d’Albâtre from Le Havre to Tréport. This trail, spanning a distance of 194 km, presents a cumulative elevation gain of 2792 m, with altitudes oscillating between 2 m and 130 m. The cliff path, a long-distance hiking route, holds significant geological interest as it stretches along the entirety of the Côte d’Albâtre. Despite its jagged nature, this coast radiates an undeniable charm. It comprises chalk cliffs that have been softened by the relentless passage of time and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides. These cliffs cradle depressions, known as valleys, within their heart. The GR®21, a true gem of the Normandy coast, demands caution due to its cliffside location, especially on days of rain and fog.

GR®21 Cliff trail (Seine-Maritime)

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GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 1


GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 2


GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 3GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 4GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 5GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 6GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 7

QrcodeDistance: 194km, Elevation maximum: 130m, Elevation minimum: 2m, Elevation gain uphill: 2792m






Accommodation or business owner on or near a GR®, you can appear on GR-INFOS

For your registration, you can send me by email ( your address and phone number, your website (Facebook page), a brief description with 5 beautiful photos of your establishment.

Registration price : 50€/2 years or 100€/5 years per GR® or GRP®. Renewable.


GR21 Cliff Trail. Hiking from Le Havre to Le Treport (Seine-Maritime) 10

Nearby paths:
GR®2 Seine River trail
GR®120 Coastal Trail
GR®210 From Dieppe to Rouen (Seine-Maritime)
GR®211 From Veulettes-sur-Mer to Caudebec-en-Caux (Seine-Maritime)
GR®212 From Ste Marguerite-sur-Mer to Duclair (Seine-Maritime)


Mon GRIt is advisable to follow the beacons all along your hike and to bring you the FFRandonnee topo-guide. You will also find information on

GR®, PR®, GRP®, and the corresponding signs of markings (white / red, yellow and yellow / red) are trademarks of the French Federation of Hiking. They may not be reproduced without permission. The French Federation of Hiking, state-approved, includes organizations that create and maintain hiking routes on GR®, PR® and GRP®. It publishes guides these topo hiking routes.

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L'Etoile Guest-House

Former holiday hotel with a garden along the Allier, L'Etoile Guest House is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche, and the Cevennes in the mountains of Southern France. At the crossroads of GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson Path, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane Way, GR®470 Allier River springs and gorges, GRP® Cevenol, Ardechoise Mountains, Margeride. Numerous loop trails for hiking and one-day biking excursions. Ideal for a relaxing and hiking getaway.

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